Feeling the weight of a lifesaving experience?

You’re not alone.

Join us and make every save
a little stronger.

Lifesavers Together:
Connect. Reflect. Respond.

Lifesaving is a noble calling, but it comes with unique challenges.

Whether you’re a volunteer first aider or a professional paramedic,
we understand the weight of critical moments and the doubts
that can follow.

Join the Waiting List Tell your story

Lifesavers Together empowers
all lifesavers to:


Do not miss out. Click the buttons at the top to join the Waiting List & complete the Lifesaver Survey. 

Why Join Lifesavers Together?

For volunteers and professionals

Whether you’re a bystander, first aider, nurse, firefighter, or any other
type of lifesaver, we’re here for you. Our community spans all levels of
experience and specialties.

Man lifesaver Alan

“Peer supervision does a lot. I think it’s more the process of me articulating the impacts it’s having on me. It’s like a classic, therapeutic environment where I’m just processing and only through articulating it out loud, not just churning over it in my head the impact, for effect someone else’s trauma was having on me”

I think having peer supervision, someone to bounce ideas off and debrief with is one of the most important things. You can discuss difficulties and feel supported.

Man lifesaver Alan

“There are a lot of people who need to talk over what they have experienced to help them process and move on. I’m sure this will help a load of people be more effective too.”

Hispanic lady lifesaver

“I have done First Aid training recently but I still don’t feel quite ready. I worry I might freeze if something happened. I am interested in meeting a LT Buddy, someone to talk about my fears with, who can listen and help me get ready for my first emergency.”

Take the next step

Join our waiting list and receive exclusive updates. Be part of a
movement that’s transforming the lifesaving community.

Join Lifesavers Together
because you’re not just saving lives, you’re
safeguarding your own wellbeing too.